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A role-playing game set in a modern American suburban town.
Ghosts and evil spirits begin to appear all over town, corresponding with the impending reincarnation of a transdimensional demon. A group of teens, armed with weapons found in their homes and assisted by spirits of their ancestors or former residents of their homes, set out to prevent the rise of this evil being.
The engine is based on Dubloon with a number of changes and upgrades. I'm setting out to make this story my best and most exciting yet. This is going to be my first commercial PC game; I'm currently planning to charge $3 for the final product. I still need to research what my options are for distribution and such.
My goal is to have the game finished by September 2011. Start saving up! :)
If I can acquire the ability to properly buy things over the internets before this comes out I will definitely purchase it! I'm glad to see you haven't stopped making big RPGs.
Neat! I'll be looking forward to this.
Any game from Banov, is worth playing.
Very sorry for inactivity. My exams have popped up. :(
Besides, Glad to see you developing games, I'd really love to buy this one when it comes out :)
Anyways, I've begun working on a new Arcade style game, that presents an entirely original gameplay. Though I'll not be very active for this month, But you can see a few updates on my blog in about a month, :)
Wait, so should I save up $3 for the game itself, or should I save up $15-$20 for a possible deluxe edition?
Probably just the $3, Deluxe CD's are more trouble than they're worth :p
Haha, alright.
Awesome. Dubloon was amazing so...good luck! Can't wait :)
I don't see many games for sale for $3.
$10-$20 is the typical price for indie games.
If you want to keep the game affordable for many of your players, while still getting $$$, consider the pay-what-you-want model (with a minimum donation or, say, $1-2)
Whatever, I'm sure you'll look into it thoroughly. Your games are great, best of luck for the future.
Somehow I feel like a pay-what-you-want would be less successful. When I gave out those Dubloon CD's, I only sold 7 or 8 and I've barely gotten donations beyond that. I'm just not that big yet. And I don't know if there are any services that offer that type of distribution, unless I just slap a paypal button next to the purchase button to make an additional donation. But I'm intrigued by the idea. If I were convinced that it would somehow net me more profit/players, I'd do it.
Pay-what-you want and donations aren't as similar as you may think. To begin with, there is that minimum donation thing.
Rinkuhero now has a pay-what-you want for Immortal Defense. He reckons it works out at about the same.. more sales, but generally donations are less (with the odd big donation amount)
There is probably a way of doing it in paypal, Rinkuhero uses Fastspring for his pay-what-you-want.. it's easier, apparently. :p
There's some good reading on tigsource, if your looking into selling your game... from how donations do, best prices for games, etc etc.
This calls for obligatory comparisons to Mother!
Wow that sounds awesome! I will buy it for sure ;)
What about pollushot?
That should be coming out sometime in the near future as well, but the specifics are out of my hands on that one
Yeah, cuz doesn't Yoyo games have to publish iPhone games? How'd you get then to publish yours? Or do you know if they are? It looks like a pretty fun game =D
I made them an early demo of the game and we made an agreement to have it published before I even began fulltime work on it.
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