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Monday, March 29, 2010

CowboyKilla - Complete!

A collaboration between Banov and Andrew Brophy for YoYoGames Comp 05. The game also features a soundtrack by the incredible Lil Vypa.

The game's a hardcore bloodbath action game with hordes of enemies and lots of sweet weapons to kill them with. Controls are arrows + Z. Have fun!

File Size: 9.9 MB
Download Links:
Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

Screenshots: (Click to enlarge)

Video: Here.

-Game by Banov & Overboy
-Music by Lil Vypa

Comments and constructive feedback are greatly appreciated!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Hello, everyone!

Hope you all enjoyed Dubloon's awesome update! Feedback for that was pretty overwhelmingly positive, so I'm looking forward to the game's release. For now, though, it's CRUNCH TIME on Cowboykilla. We had planned to get you a new demo sometime soon but due to some delays and sickness that may or may not happen. Right now the big goal is getting everything finished by March 30th. We have a lot of content planned... it's going to be awesome, trust me.

I recently became an official "reviewer" on the Game Maker Community, and here are the reviews I've penned so far during my tenure. I recommend all these games, as they're pretty awesome.

MadnessMadnessMadness by NAL
The Hanrahan Game: Final Mix by Flying Squire
Spelunky by Derek Yu
Sworrd Buster by Andrew Brophy


I've started to consider selling some T-Shirts featuring artwork/themes from some of my games, as a way to promote myself and make a little cash on the side. Basically, I'm looking for some quick feedback on this: would you buy a t-shirt from me? Which of my games/characters would you most like to see, or maybe what particular design? Anything goes, I'm basically looking to see if I would sell enough to warrant printing shirts/what design people want the most.

So, let me know! Thanks~