
This website is no longer updating!
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Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Quick Phantasmaburbia Update

Since originally posting Phantasmaburbia, I've been pushing out small updates making little fixes and changes to match complaints and speed/gfx issues. I've just now uploaded what I *think* is the final bugfix version.


The total list of fixes IS (as I remember it):
-Expanded config options including scaling, a toggle for high detail gfx, and music volume
-New battle transition that renders easier
-New run animation
-Faster walking/run speeds
-New background effects in Spirit Tunnels
-Some optimization of effects (particularly focused on lighting effects in indoor areas)
-Slight dialog edits for brevity and clarity

IF you played it before and had issues with speed, gfx or anything else listed above, I encourage you to try it out again and let me know if it plays well for you now. Even if things are still running slow or looking bad, you at least have the option of turning stuff off to make it work.

Get it at GameJolt!
Or... Get it at YoYoGames!

What this now means is I'll be comfortably pushing forward with more content creation. When the final final version of the game is ready and for sale, I don't think I'll publicly release any gameplay aside from what is present now. BUT, in the intervening time I'll probably put out another demo or two for testing and feedback purposes, so what that translates to is you'll get to play more of the game's content for free if you keep an eye out and play these little demos as I build up to the game's completion.

Here's a parting screenshot of what's to come...

PS... Watch this site closely for the next week or so to catch the release of Pollushot on the iTouch/Android app stores!!


Eein said... I see an eyepatch?! :O I need to go redownload Dubloon and give it another go...

I must watch for more demos, as I am a cheapskate. :3

Nathan said...

hahaha I hope his friend is cool. He looks like the grumpy kids I went to highschool with :D. God Speed! I want to give you my money!!

Eein said...

I've noticed whilst playing, there is usually a large amount of waiting time when I move into the subway area. It seems to freeze up, like 1/60 frames than to 30/60, then it gradually fixes. Only had the problem on a new save file.