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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The big 1-8

Guys! I am 18 today!

A bunch of things have happened since my last blog post, some good and some bad. The bad news is that the YoYo Comp 05 results came out, and CowbowKilla didn't even make honorable mention! Now I know I have gone on record saying that is CowboyKilla didn't get an honorable mention I would stop game making but, uh, we're going to ignore that because I still really want to make games. Just not for any stinking YoYo competitions.

I added some new shirt designs to my already impressive collection! Many of them were by request, so the shirt you want might just be up there. Remember that you can play with the shirt options and get cheaper "value" shirts for like $5 cheaper if the asking price seems a bit steep, which a couple people have complained about.


Work has continued on Dubloon, and as of now I'm tinkering with some of the game's final segments. It's exciting stuff! I previously said that my self-imposed deadline to make the finished game public is June 4, and I'm still hoping to beat that date, but a lot of things have cropped up lately and it looks like I might have to push it back a bit past then. Don't worry, though! The game is going to be finished, and I can say that 100% confidence at this point. That, too, is pretty exciting!

It's been a long road building this game, and there have been times when it seemed like I would never finish it. So thanks to everyone who's supported me along the way... we're almost there! I think I'd like to take this moment specifically to point out and thank RockytheChao AKA Mack151, for his awesome series of Dubloon LP Videos which have been a constant kind reminder of the kind of fan support this game has and, hopefully, is going to get once it arrives. Thanks, Rocky!

Aside from that, I've been doing internship work for a website/graphic design company which has been eating a good amount of my time, and I have another SECRET game-related project which is pretty exciting but not ready to be revealed yet.

Okay--that's all I can think of off the top of my head in terms of news. I can't think of a definitive way to end this blog post, so I'll probably just end it awkwardly like this.


Unknown said...

Well, I'm glad you're going to continue making games, as I would hate to never finish Dubloon. :D

Unknown said...

Don't forget to mention that I told you that you spelled Dubloon wrong... Dad.